Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A look back at 2009...

Here's my roundup of 2009:

- The year started off quite badly with Wifey's mum succumbing to cancer on the first of February. It's hard to believe she's gone and that it's nearly been a whole year.
- The beginning of the year also saw me start my own blog - and I'm still doing it (just!).
- We took on responsibility for leading our church homegroup. This has been a humbling and scary task - but worth it.
- In March, I moved into new offices in Cardiff Bay, working more closely with my business partner. It was a bold step, but definitely the right one.
- July was when we sold our house in a week. We still haven't moved, though. Boo!!
- In the summer we had our big fat family holiday in central France. A well-earned and much-needed rest in hot sunny weather was the order of the day.
- JKY turned the grand old age of 2 in August. He is growing up fast!
- We also got to see U2 in August, which totally blew us away. I have got to see more of this stuff.
- My parents sold their beautiful house in the country. They will be moving out next month.
- We sold our annoying Ford after having months of grief. We have replaced it with (hopefully) a more reliable Skoda.
- Christmas 2009 was an enjoyable family affair, with too much eating and drinking (as usual).

Overall, 2009 was a tough year, with a few tiny gems of happiness, joy and wonder popping up now and again along the way.

Let's hope 2010 will be a gentler year...

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